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Initially, Gan Ä€dan had kingdoms but when the monarchy was abolished, Gan Ä€dan was divided into districts., however some districts maintained their monarchy, like Xoatia. When the abolishment occurred, former kings became district leaders which showed that no change had actually occurred. In 8027, districts held elections for seven council members to run Gan Ä€dan. 


During the Dark Ages, Rath I became the dictator of most of Gan Ādan until power was restored to The Seven.

Children are trained to hunt at an early age to help feed their families and districts. Through hunting, children learn to rely on instincts which help them in their adult years when they have to fight. Violence is not a way of life but it is a part of it despite their desire for peace.


There are no books in Gan Ādan and education is passed on through either physical practice or storytelling.



It is unknown how many Ganadan’s are alive. What is known is that there are 5,302 districts, each district contains different numbers. Warmer areas will contain a higher population. Colder areas will contain less.



Ganadan’s use minimal technology mainly because they live in what Trobathian’s would consider ruins or wastelands.


Ganadan’s choose to use as little technology as possible to avoid becoming dependent. Legend has it, once Ganadan's depend on technology, they will then embark the beginning of their end; they will ruin the world they live in to the point they can no longer live off it and become extinct. 


They travel on foot or by horses.



Ganadans do not use money necessarily, but do practice in trade. Anything can be traded and used as a form of payment. Taxes are made through trade as well.



Ganadans live off the land and only take or hunt what they need to survive. Raxnovovians are vegetarians due to their climate.


Dobo Berries are everywhere in Gan Ä€dan and grow in a variety of colors. They are a Ganadan favorite and can be used to kill pain due to its toxic nature. Ganadan’s need to ingest a large handful for any type of intoxication to occur where Trobathian’s only need one.


Dobo berries can be smoothed and grinded into juice which would be the equivalent to what Trobathians consider alcohol.



Ganadans use muscle powered weapons like swords, spears, bows and arrows that they make by collecting scrap metal or objects found that Trobathian’s leave behind. Some Ganadan’s will make weapons using tree branches or rocks.



Ganadans are multi-lingual in Trobathian languages due to many Trobathian visitors of which don’t all speak the same language. Some legends describe Ganadan’s as helping Trobathian’s invent their languages but no proof has emerged supporting the myth.


Gan Ä€dan has thousands of languages, each district has their own, however, the main language spoken is Ohaplushlang, which has evidence to believe that it was either derived from English or English derived from it. Ladengelesh (La-dang-a-lesh) is the Ganadan term for English which is a second language to Ganadan’s.


Ohaplushlang (O-hop-lesh-lung) was not only created to communicate to other Ganadan’s as a base language due to the many kingdoms but as code that Trobathian’s couldn’t understand. Before rotation 3481, Ganadan’s were not welcoming to Trobathian visitors, which is most likely the reason why Trobathian’s considered them to be demons. Trobathian’s also were not ideal guests as most were disrespectful to the world’s culture or simply did not believe it to exist. It is not recorded when the language was developed but since its development, uses similar formatting as English where words are put together to make a language rather than phrases said differently according to gender, however, certain words are not allowed to begin sentences like ‘you’ and ‘I’ has specific placement depending on the phrase. Pronunciation is pretty straight forward, however, ‘th’ is silent in most words.




Notable Words

Na – No

Eya [eh-ya] – Yes

Ha – Hello

Ti- Him

Ta- Her

Vuh [Va] – Goodbye

O – One

Ku – Two

Kon – Three

Hepti – Blue

Vekta – Red

Dra [Dray] - Black

Drath [Dra] - Stripe

Ah – The

Dun [Doon] - Is

Ohap [O-hop]– Other

Engelesh – English (Culture)

Lad/ Lang – Language

Dro – Magic
Draemün [Dry- Moon] - Magic (Religion)

Vahktodo [Vak-to-do] - Veil

Thka [Ka] – Ring

Ajesh – Life

Ajop – Death
Hashnagash [Haa-sh-na-gaash] - Fox
Jokota [Juukota] - Jaguar

Keeva – Demon

Ju – To Come

Wa – Here

Juwa – Come Here

Eehkol – Equal

Huraptka [Ha-roop-ka] – Purpose

Krani - Name

Ja – Era/ Years/ Age/ Time

Sija [See-ja] - Time

Ah po – The end

Kra po – To end

Treck – Promise/ Hope

Katreck – To promise/ to hope

Dobo - Crazy

Vek – Dark

Val – Light

Cru – Where

Ark – What

Ila [ee-la] - When

Luvomka [La-voom-ka] – To love

Xikantra [Si-cun-tra] – To Hate

Konov – To Fight

Kruv [Croov] – To Hold

Erath [Eraa]- To Prepare

Luktro [Luck-tro] – To Summon

Vehp [Vep] – To Seize

Kal [Kaal] - Beware

Mhe – I

a Ntu [on-too] – You

a Ntuk [on- took]– Your

a Ntukra [on-took-ra] – You’re

Xtra [Si-tra] - My

Chre - Me


Notable Phrases

Ajesh a Ntuk huraptka kruv na. – Your life holds no purpose.

Luvomka a Ntu mhe. – I love you.

Xikantra mhe a Ntu. – I hate you.

Erath konov! – Prepare to fight!

Luktro ah keevan! – Summon the demons!

Drothka – Magic Ring

Hepti Kon Drath – Blue Stripe Three

Vehp Ti! – Seize him!

Cru ah dun Drothka? – Where is the Drothka?

Kal ah Jokota. - Beware the Jaguar.


Dramon is a language that was developed by Dramon Priests that helped cast their spells. This language is known by very few.



Surnames + Seals
Ganadan’s don’t have surnames, instead they use their original district name. Ex: Jaul of Auxdra; Auxdra was the original name for District 1217. In 5021, The Gan Ä€dan Abolishment of Monarchy Act had renamed their kingdoms to districts to maintain order and promote equality.


Each bloodline has a seal or sign that is passed down to every descendent, male or female. In the event of marriage, in some districts, each individual either chooses which seal to have. Others conjoin the seals where others don’t require any change. Seal’s usually are a good way to detect what district a Ganadan is from.


The Seven
Gan Adan has a council known as The Seven that look into the big picture issues of Gan Adan’s safety and society. The council is designed to maintain order and justice, and is made up of 7 members who have excelled in Gan Adan history, theology and combat.


The Seventh Member

The council was made up of 7 members, an odd number, on purpose. If the first 6 dismissed an issue or potential danger, then the 7th member was forced to overrule them on principle and look into the issue no matter how far-fetched the scenario. That way Gan Adan would always be prepared for black swan events. 


The 7th member was chosen based on a code of values. The 7th member, whether it be male or female, could not be cynical by nature but instead be rather optimistic, this way everything the 7th overruled would be challenged genuinely.


Religion(s) and Superstitions

Many religions exist in Gan Ādan and is a continual subject of controversy.


The Chosen One

 Despite the many religions, each religion shares a prophecy that, 


“In the height of peace, a darkness will emerge upon the land ignited by the act of betrayal. The darkness will spread to Trobathia and a dark famine will spread. This will last for many rotations. From the darkness, a child will be born of both species and obtain The Five, who will then bring balance to Vahktodo.”


The prophecy was proved to be true when Rath I betrayed his family and nation by exterminating the government and promoting his own in the height of peace. This has been called The Dark Ages. In the event of his betrayal, Fox of Auxdra was born, a hybrid, and was sent to Trobathia in protection. When she returned, she ended Rath’s reign.


It is believed that once the Chosen One had died, they will be reborn through reincarnation when darkness returns to consume the land. They will return to deliver the people into the light.


The Vahktodo is believed to have been responsible for putting events into motion so the Chosen One could be born to bring balance to the energy that consumes the Vahktodo; Vahktodo created Trobathian, Eve to mother Fox.



Ganadan’s choose to use as little technology as possible to avoid becoming dependent. Legend has it, once Ganadan's depend on technology, they will then embark the beginning of their end; they will ruin the world they live in to the point they can no longer live off it and become extinct. 


The color red is considered evil. All districts use particular colors to blend in with their environment but red is a color no district uses due to it being the same color as blood. Ganadans believe that using the color will bring death. Rath I was the first to claim the color due to the superstition.


Auxdran’s believe if they cut their hair too short they will lose their Ganandan power/ability.


Draemün [Dry-moon]


The source of Draemün (otherwise known as ‘magic’) in Gan Ä€dan is the celestial body viewed as Vahktodo (The Veil) that covers the world of Gan Ä€dan. Certain individuals born with the gift to access the powers of the Draemün can tap into the latent energy of Gan Ä€dan.


There are places linked more directly to Vahktodo that are more powerful than others. The most powerful of these places is the River Razēl and its source at the top of the lonely Mt. Rizan. During the short nights Gan Ādan shares with Trobathia, Vahktodo can be visibly seen at the peak of the mountain. In Trobathia, the Vahktodo is called, The Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis. Of all the places of power, the River Razēl and Mt. Rizan are the most accessible and most potent. Ganadans believe this is why Rizandor is historically the most populous district.


The most common uses of Draemün is to bless the land, ceremonies, seasons, unions, births, the sick, the injured, the dying and the dead. It is accessed by the user through meditative state and chanting specific mantras related to the desired effects. Within the meditative state, users relate the feeling of Vahktodo as becoming one with Gan Ä€dan and Trobathia. As both worlds become one, they gather energy from Vahktodo.


Vahktodo can be used in many forms after being gathered by Vahktodo Priests and Priestess’. It can be collected and mixed into a potion, imbued into inanimate objects and artifacts.


During the time of Fox, there were only a select few individuals able to use Draemün. They are recognized at birth due to a universal birthmark most commonly seen on the priest’s hands. When one of them dies, their life energy enters Sector 3 known as Limbo until it can find another body to inhabit; reincarnation. 


While Vahktodo is the source of Draemün energy that can be accessed by priests as the source they tap into, Vahktodo is recharged by the energy of emotions expanded by Ganadans themselves. The Vahktodo can be viewed as a vessel that collects the energy released by Ganadans. While Draemün energy is neither naturally good or evil or even neutral, it is made from the emotions felt by Ganadans. Depending on the emotions, behavior of the Vahktodo can vary. In the remembered times of peace and progress, rituals pertaining to healing and blessings have more power than during time of war, domination and suffering. During the Dark Ages, before Fox’s return, powers of mind control, dominion and other things unnatural to the order of Gan Ä€dan took place. This was called Dramon [Dray-mon] (Black Magic). 


Dramon (Dark Magic)


Those under the influence of Dramon, lose their memories unless the energy of the individual has changed from dark to light, however, memories return in fragments and isn’t completely clear until completely detached from Dramon. Those influenced whose emotions change will experience feelings and remember blurred images not understanding why.


Dramon can affect Trobathian’s as well, however, Trobathian’s need to end their mortal lives before transitioning into their new bodies as Vek O [Vehk- Oh] (Dark One’s). Once the Trobathian has detached from Dramon, it is impossible for them to live for too much longer; eventually the magic will exit their bloodstream and the Trobathian will die. Magic, good or bad, has a price. Only one Trobathian has become a Vek O, Eve/Merila. A Trobathian Vek O will not gain special abilities, they will just become immortal so long as they continue to be influenced. They are susceptible to flesh wounds but possess the inability to age. 


Dramon could be used to read the energy of individuals by having said individual consume a Dramon potion that would cause them to bleed through their sweat ducts giving them temporary “Hematidrosis”. This tactic was not so painful as it was exhausting for the individual. The Dramon Priest will then collect the blood and examine it to read the energy levels. Fox was a victim to this tactic in 8057 when Rath I needed confirmation that he had captured the right girl.

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