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Fox of Auxdra

"The change starts here with us! Not out there."

- Fox of Auxdra


(Trobathian Name: Tristan Tamsin Turner)

Played by Monroe Hayden


In 8034 (Trobathian year 1995), Jaul of Auxdra and his wife Eve, produced a daughter who was the first known hybrid; half Trobathian and half Ganadan. The child was not formally given a name due to the hectic events that surrounded her birth, however, as a term of endearment, her mother called her, ‘her little fox’. Fox would often dream of her voice, calling her fox and adopted the name when she was in her teens not truly understanding who the voice belonged to or why.

Once she was born, she was immediately sent to Trobathia. In the Trobathian year of 1995, Fox was found by David and Vivian Turner, a wealthy family whose ancestors founded the small town of Fortmount, North Dakota by stealing it from the Lakota tribes. The Turner’s are founders of many businesses within the community.


Vivian found Fox in a basket floating on a river near one of the sights the couple planned on building upon. Vivien named her Tristan because she was found with a ring that reminded her of Tristan and Isolde, a story she often told Fox as a little girl. Although they loved her very much, they couldn’t connect with her completely.


Ever since Fox was young, she would dream of Gan Ä€dan. She would often visit Gan Ä€dan through her dreams where her dreams would collide with Daisy Peterson’s. Peterson gave her her grandmother’s box as a gift. In 2008, Fox went missing and was never found in Trobathia, this was due to her genetics; she was unable to stay in Trobathia and returned to Gan Ä€dan in Rotation 8048 (2009), heartbroken, scared and all alone and no understanding of where she was at or why. She was 14. The longer she stayed, however, the more she learned about the world she was in and its histories, prophecies and present situations. During this time she taught herself fragments of Ohaplushlang but didn't learn to speak it fluently until later on.


Fox was described to be charming, funny, smart and valiant like her father; willing to fight opponents to protect another, especially people she cared for. She was also very empathetic like her mother. Due to her empathy, she was capable of manipulating another person of which she did often. She was very good with words. Although Fox was kind and genuinely intended to be good, she had a dark side that at times had a hard time controlling. When she became angry or irritated, she often became more animalistic and feral, sometimes lashing out- even kill on rare occasions. She is the second known Ganadan to develop all Five Abilities and the first Hybrid to do so. Although for a year she used her abilities to fulfill her dark desires, throughout most of her life she used them for good.


With her leadership, a Brotherhood was formed. Their names went on to live in legend well after their deaths. The original Brotherhood consisted of Daisy of Auxdra, Eve of Auxdra, Oron of Kova, Deja of Ioshna, Prince Orasmin of Xoatia and Davi of Hacradia. Together, they ended the Dark Ages. Throughout the last remaining years of the Dark Ages, Fox and Daisy fell deeply in love that eventually inspired her to lead the rebellion that ended Rath's dark rule. Their love became legendary and although the couple were not able to biologically produce, they adopted a baby girl they named Ronin who eventually went on to lead Gan Adan into the Utopian Era. Fox died with her family by her side after a fatal injury caused by her half-brother, Anu. She was buried next to her mother where eventually, a few months later, Peterson would join her. It is said that their two souls would reunite again in another life. She was 55 years old.

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Jade Vourkari as Daisy Peterson in Fox S
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Played by Monroe Hayden


Mini Biography by IMDb

Monroe Axel Hayden was born on November 8, 1988, in Santa Monica, California and is known for playing Fox of Auxdra in Fox (2016) and rock star, Gwendolyn Fay in 365 (2017).


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